Sunday, July 27, 2008

National Day School-based Art Competition 2008

"What I See in the National Day Parade 2008"

Calling all pupils of White Sands Primary School.

Take part in The National Day School-based Art Competition 2008. All you need to do is to create an Imaginative Composition depicting what you see in the 2008 National Day Parade. The Title of the Competition is: 'What I See In The National Day Parade 2008'.

There will be 3 prizes for each of the categories listed below:
1. The Lower Primary Section: for pupils from Primary 1- Primary 3.
2. The Upper Primary Section: for pupils from Primary 4 - Primary 6.

You may make use of any medium such as:
1. Coloured pencils
2. Water colour pencils
3. Pencils
4. Charcoal
5. Crayons
6. Oil Pastels
7. Watercolours
8. Postercolours
9. Acrylic
10. Mixed Media

All entries are to be submitted to your Art Teacher by Monday, 4th August 2008. Your Art Teachers will then shortlist the entries and submit the best three entries to Mr Fernando who will then get judges to select the best three entries for each category.

Thank you for your participation and all the very best!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Art Discussion 2

This week we are going to take a close look at the Art Work featured here.

Do take a close look at it and tell me about the art work. You could make use of the questions below to guide you in talking about the art work or you could talk about it without making reference to the guiding questions.

This piece of work was created by several artists working together on a wall outside Art Room 1 of White Sands Primary School.

  • What would you name this art work?
  • How do you feel when you look at it?
  • What kind of artists created this piece of work?
  • Why do you say that?
  • What would you do if you are placed in this place?
  • What are the main colours you see?
  • Why have the artists used such colours?
  • What insects do you see?
  • What did the artists use to create the insects?

Post your thoughts for me and others to read.

Information 2: The Objectives of the Art Syllabus

Art is important. For those of us who do not think so, I do hope that you will spend some time reading my posting entitled 'Information 1: Why is Art important.' I do hope that we will all support the Art Programmes in schools as well as those organized by various governmental as well as private organizations.

The New Art Syllabus which will be introduced to all Primary Schools with effect from 2009, starting with its introduction to Primary 1 and 2 pupils, will help our children to:

  • develop their sensory awareness and imagination.
  • develop their visual inquiry skills to help them discover and explore their surroundings.
  • acquire skills which will enable them to describe and interpret artworks which they are presented with or exposed to.
  • create artworks which they may use to share their ideas, thoughts and feelings to viewers such as their peers, schoolmates, friends, teachers and members of the public.
  • cultivate a spirit of innovation and experimentation.
  • understand and value art from a variety of cultures and context which they will be exposed to.
  • develop self confidence and a sense of achievement through their participation in various art-based activities.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Art Discussion 1

Only for Primary 4, 5 and 6 pupils. Hi Everyone! Attached is an artwork created by a pupil from White Sands Primary School.

In this week's segment of Art Discussion 1, I would like you to take a good look at the Art Work, making use of all your possible senses and respond to the guiding questions which are posted below. There are no right or worng answers so feel free to respond. It would be good if you could give me a paragraph or more of what you see and feel about the art work. I will provide you with my response to the art work at the end of the week.

Enjoy the Art Work!

What do you see in this art work? What colours has the artist used? What do call such colours? Why do you think that he/she used such colours? What is he/she trying to tell you? What do feel when you look at the art work? Why? Describe your feelings. What medium do you think he/she has used to create the art work? If you were given an opportunity to provide a title for this work, what would you name it? If you were allowed a chance to create your own art work with the same title, what medium would you like to use and why?

Now that you have had a chance to study the art work and read the questions, do let me have your postings.

Mr Fernando's Comments: Sunday, 20th July 2008

I would like to thank the teachers as well as pupils who took time to look at the Art Work posted and talk about it.

The Art Work was created by Nigel Lee Jia Wei of Primary 6 Excellent of White Sands Primary School. He worked on the Theme entitled 'Fire Prevention'. Yes, The words 'Fire Prevention' is not clearly seen. I guess that it is the way Nigel wants it to look like in his work. When there is a fire, things become very hazy due to the emission of smoke. There are several warm colours such as reds, oranges and yellows in the work which depict danger and heat caused by the flames. The cool colours such as the greens and blues do not occupy large areas of the piece showing that fire spreads fast and wild. I agree that we should never misuse fire as it could cause much destruction. Nigel has made use of the colours well. Looking at the art work, one feels scared and it may cause one's pressure to go up, realizing that fire is a good friend but very dangerous enemy. Nigel used a lot of poster colour in his work and if you had a chance to see the real work itself , you would be able to see the texture caused by the heavy use of paint. The art work comes alive. The various titles suggested by many of you are very suitable. Yes, I wouldn't place the art work at home; not because it is not a good piece but because Nigel has an intention. He wants us to spread the message of the dangers of fire. Thus, we should display his work in prominent public spaces such as schools, kitchens and places where flames are exposed. Thank you Nigel.

Information 1: Why is Art important?

Many a time, most parents and the general public consider Art unimportant as they say it is a non-core subject . Just because it is not an examination subject at the Primary School level does not make it unimportant. There is this misconception among many. All subjects in the school curriculum are core subjects and that is why they have been included in the school time-table.

Art has much value and would benefit our charges a great deal.
A good art programme helps pupils to be visually literate resulting in them being able to observe, understand and make meaning of what they see. They will also be able to communicate their ideas and thoughts by using and creating visuals better than those who do not go through a good art programme with zest and vigour.

Everyday, we are bombarded with lots of visuals. The visuals we encounter will certainly influence how we think and behave.
Art trains our pupils to be visually literate, resulting in them being able to communicate effectively.

Art beautifies our world and helps us to capture memories. It helps to teach and educate us about the various cultures and beliefs of our people and those in other parts of the world resulting in mutual respect and tolerance for one another.

There are so many benefits one can pick up by participating whole-heartedly in art lessons and art-related activities. To be able to succeed and enjoy life to the fullest, it is important that we give art its due importance in school as well as in our lives ourside our usual work and study areas. Art certainly has a place in society and that is why our government is now pumping in so much money into various Arts Organizations.

The School of the Arts has been set up to allow our artistically-inclined P6 pupils moving on to secondary schools a chance to opt for her, to work in an enriched environment which will help them achieve their dreams some day.

Art is important.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Congratulations Felicia Chow!

Congratulations Felicia Chow of Primary 5 Attentive for winning a Consolation Prize at the Siglap Secondary School On-the-Spot Art Competition which was held at the school onWednesday, 21 May 2008. She participated in the competition which was entitled 'Harmony' together with 8 other pupils from White Sands Primary School. Felicia is a member of the Primary 5 Art Club managed by Mr Bernard Fernando the teacher in-charge. Competition was very stiff as there were many pupils from the various schools in the E6 Cluster.
She will be receiving her prize on 19 August 2008 at the opening of the East Zone Art Exhibition at the National Library Building, Exhibition Space, (Level 7), 100, Victoria Street.
Felicia is a regular participant at all Art Club Activities and is very talented. She is very much admired by all her peers. Once again from all of us at White Sands, Congratulations, Felicia! You have done us proud.