Sunday, June 22, 2008


Art is a higher type of knowledge than experience.
Aristotle: Greek philosopher (384-322BC)

My name is Bernard Jimmy Farrel Fernando. I am 60 years old and have been teaching for 41 years, both in Mission Schools as well as in Government Schools. Throughout my 41 years in the Education Service, I have been teaching pupils from the weakest streams at the Primary 5 and 6 levels all my life and I enjoy teaching such pupils as they are very appreciative of the little things which I do for them.

I specialize in teaching English and Art. Art has always been a passion for me and I enjoy various Visual Art Forms. I find that it provides me with opportunities to make use of my creativity and to immerse myself with what I am engaged in. Art also helps me to destress and to express my thoughts in the various art forms I engage myself in. During my spare time, I enjoy drawing and painting making use of pencils, permanent markers, oil pastels, oil paints and enamel paint.

I believe in engaging my weak pupils in art as it helps to build up their self esteem and confidence resulting in them being motivated to want to excel in their studies too.

In this blog of mine, I intend to showcase some of my completed works as well as the works created by the pupils from my school. I would like the viewer to appreciate and comment on the works showcased.
From time to time I would also talk about various artists and their works.